Berthomieu, Ermitage & Œnosylva
The blog of cooperages and the oak specialist for oenology
Berthomieu, Ermitage & Oenosylva
The blog of cooperages and the oak specialist for oenology


Leeks in a brazier

Our new food and barrel pairing is based around a wood fire, closely linked to our cooper’s craft! A suggestion full of simplicity, and one that seemed obvious to us.
This recipe is for leeks in a brazier, which I wanted to associate with our Berthomieu barrel, Nevers wood and medium toast.

Wood-fired cooking has a lot in common with cooperage toasting. An ingredient on one side, leeks and wood on the other. A combination or seasoning, and a cooking process. For this recipe, after pre-cooking the leeks with steam, which echoes the steam bending of our Berthomieu barrel, I finished the cooking in the brazier. The contribution of the wood fire, with its slightly smoky note, takes on its full meaning, without distorting the subtlety of the leek.

A very simple seasoning.

A dash of lemon for a touch of freshness, like the Nevers forest, a touch of balsamic vinegar and a few roasted hazelnuts. The leek here is sublimated by the magic of the wood fire, just as the aromas of our barrels are revealed during the bousinage or aromatic toasting.
And to accompany our recipe, a chenin from the Loire Valley, in the Savennières appellation, will no doubt be the perfect match!

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